10 Ways To Make Your Vegetables More Enjoyable
Eating veggies is the new mantra of the modern world. These greenies are good for the brain, promote a healthy metabolism, and make everyone’s life a tad bit easier...especially when it comes to a regular bowel movement. So why do people avoid munching on veggies, even after everything we’ve come to know about them so far?
Well, to be quite honest, there are several reasons:
Firstly, vegetables contain chemical bonds and complexes that make them healthy. This would be great if not for the fact that these same chemicals – or at least some of them – make veggies taste a bit yucky. In fact, a study has shown that at least 30% of people are super-sensitive to those same chemicals that give bitterness to vegetables upon tasting. According to nutrition experts, these people are known as ‘supertasters.’
Secondly – some individuals may find veggies a bit lackluster in regards to taste. When you come to think of it, you cannot really blame anyone for this specific issue people have. After all, it’s easy to hold inanimate objects to scrutiny – especially if you plan to feast upon them later during the day. Point being, no one wants to dip their mouths in bland, tasteless leafage.
Finally, and most fortunately, it seems that there is some hope after all. Putting a little effort during your routinely grocery shopping – combined with alternative ways and types of preparation – can take you a long way into enjoying these fiber-filled goodies.
Without further ado, let’s cut to the chase.
1. Oil that greenery up
Years of blaming fat for just about everything that’s wrong in the human body – it seems as though people forget that oil can be beneficial too. One way to circumvent this obstacle is to reach for olive oils in place of regular sunflower ones.
Thing is, when fat gets all ‘mixed up’ with spices or seasonings, it can make vegetables as yummy as ever. Plus, a cross-examination of 200 scientific studies has shown that those who consumed lower amounts of veggies were deemed twice as acceptable to different forms of cancer – as opposed to those who munched on greenery more regularly.
2. Opt for the “baby” versions
Some vegetables develop stronger flavors as the herb ‘grows into maturity’. Their “baby” versions, however – contain all the beneficial ingredients – without them being too pronounced in their flavors. To start off, opt for some baby turnips, carrots (leaves still attached), artichokes, brussels sprouts, or squashes. You can usually locate these veggies at the local supermarket, a farmer’s market, and at certain specialty grocery stores.
As we said, baby vegetables are less bitter, have richer textures, and need less cooking than their “grown-up” counterparts. Plus, they’re tiny and fun.
3. Toss in some cheese
Throwing some cheese into the mix can improve the taste – as well as add calories so that you’ll reach the satiation point faster. We recommend feta and cream cheese alongside spinach, kale, and green beans for the perfect snack; or, if you’re looking to catch on calories, opt instead for cottage cheese tossed with some cauliflower and broccoli. You can thank us later.
4. Dunk into dips
Raw leafage is not something that immediately comes to mind when your body starts craving for snacks, and this is where dip sauces come into play. By dunking vegetables into hummus, low-fat dip, or another favorite dressing of yours – you’ll be way more motivated to gobble that steamed asparagus more often.
Pro tip: remove veggies from the dish and try eating them while working, watching TV, or doing other activities outside the dinner table. This way you’ll “train” yourself to stop thinking about vegetables as a chore and embrace their healthy nature once and for all.
5. Prepare Brussels sprouts faster
If you can't imagine yourself enjoying sprouts due to their unique and strong taste – try cooking them differently. One way to go about this is to slice these tiny greens diagonally, separate them into rings, and microwave them together with some added butter, water, and caraway seeds for 3-5 minutes. This should strip brussels sprouts off their strong taste so that you can enjoy them freely.
6. Take your time with Onions
Herbs that are part of the onion family – like shallots, leek, and garlic – are bound with ingredients that are known to battle different types of cancer. However, some people just simply cannot stand that strong, sharp flavour these plants are known for. One way to rise above this hatred towards onions is by slow-roasting them until they lose that sharp flavor we’ve talked about. How to do it? Add some cold-pressed olive oil, wrap the sliced onions in foil, and grill them to get rid of the sharpness – barbecue style
7. Keep Fruits and Veggies Separately
Fruits like apples make ethylene gas, and can possibly ‘contaminate’ vegetables like parsnips – if stored together that is. Other veggies such as squash, carrots, and some plants – can change their textures more rapidly if you put them anywhere near fruit. What’s more, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts may change their color – or even turn limp upon the sole presence of fruits in the near vicinity. How to store them you ask?
Opt to keep parsnips closed in a plastic bag – away from ethylene gas producers such as peaches, peppers, avocados, and yes – even tomatoes! Store your scrimmage the right way now, or face the consequences later.
8. How ya’ like them tomatoes?
The answer is: ripe. Many consumers argue that American tomatoes feel pulpy, taste funny, and come off as too bland to be honestly enjoyed. There is a catch that circumvents all of this – buy VINE RIPENED tomatoes. These kinds of tomatoes are juicy, taste naturally, and before you know it – you’ll be munching a mouthful of them ripe tomatoes.
9. Utilise their Health Benefits
According to a study by Monell Center, breaking down the perks and benefits behind why something’s good for your system – paired with regular consumption of that food – can lead to forming habits and subconsciously including that particular food in your diet. In fact, when you come to think of it – if you knew that something was good for you and it could possibly prevent some serious ailments, such as diabetes or cancer, you would probably want MORE of that. This is even truer if your family has a history of some of those diseases we mentioned.
Better safe than sorry, right?
10. Improvise
If you are really, utterly repelled by the sole thought of eating veggies – then think of ways to change your approach towards the matter. For instance, making soup from your favorite plants could potentially solve that problem. Soups take longer to prepare – making most of the ingredients within this mixture lose their sharp flavors by the time it’s done.
If this is something you’re not totally comfortable with doing – opt instead for ‘sneaking in’ some carrots into bread, meat loafs, or even muffins. The next time you’re in the mood for gobbling up muffins – go ahead and stuff that pastry with some grated carrots according to with your preference or taste. The pros of this operation will far outweigh the cons – if there ever were any.
Bottom line: eating veggies – good. Eating more vegetables – even better.